Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this blog is to allow me a space to try out and work through the concepts we will be exploring in this course and how they apply to my research interests.  I want to develop my own take on and understanding of, my "frame," the rhetorical criticism concepts in this course, moving beyond just a basic knowledge of the concepts to a more in depth understanding of how these concepts will be useful in my research in film and visual media.  The title of this blog also refers to my research interests, the "frame" of film and visual media.


  1. Hey Lucy,
    Cheers to our third class together!*
    I am interested to see how our work develops over the course of the semester via blogging. I think these are excellent goals you have here! They are specific and in line with what you're already doing. Good focus! ;)

    *without Trigvy ;)

  2. Film, and its intersection with rhetoric, is a fascinating area of inquiry. I'll be watching this with interest!
